# AIDAHO Santa and the green conscience!
Santa has a problem: not only does he want to bring happiness and joy to especially nice people every Christmas, he also wants to take care of the environment.
And since there is a lot of traveling and heating around Christmas, including by Santa and his staff, a lot of CO2 is unfortunately also produced.
To make up for this, Santa wants to make a CO2 compensation payment this year by buying CO2 certificates. But he is finding it difficult to predict the cost of these certificates.
Santa is naturally a price-conscious entrepreneur, so he needs the most precise forecasts possible for his overall cost breakdown - and he wants them now!
That's why he needs your help. Can you provide him with a model that predicts the cost of CO2 certificates for the Christmas season as accurately as possible?
## The challenge
## Submission and Submssion File
Please send your submission (code and solution file) to [aidaho@uni-hohenheim.de](mailto:aidaho@uni-hohenheim.de) or send us the link to your AIDAHO-Gitlab repo.
## Evaluation
Your submission is scored on the Euclidean distance of your submitted path.
## Prizes
The submission with the shortest path will receive an AIDAHO t-shirt!
## Deadline
XXX - Final submission deadline.
## Good Luck!