# The AIDAHO Santa has lost his way!
![](00_data/Santa_Jung_2.jpg "AIDAHO Santa"){: .images width="25%" align="left" padding="25px"}
Santa has a problem: not only does he want to bring happiness and joy to especially nice people every Christmas, he also wants to take care of the environment.
And since there is a lot of traveling and heating around Christmas, a lot of CO2 is unfortunately produced.
To make up for this, Santa wants to make a CO2 compensation payment this year by buying CO2 certificates. But he is finding it difficult to predict the cost of these certificates.
That's why he needs your help. Can you provide him with a model that predicts the cost of CO2 certificates for the Christmas season as accurately as possible?
## The challenge
## Submission and Submssion File
Please send your submission (code and solution file) to []( or send us the link to your AIDAHO-Gitlab repo.
## Evaluation
Your submission is scored on the Euclidean distance of your submitted path.
## Prizes
The submission with the shortest path will receive an AIDAHO t-shirt!
## Deadline
XXX - Final submission deadline.
## Good Luck!