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Johannes Bleher's avatar
Johannes Bleher committed
# Traveling Santa Problem
Johannes Bleher's avatar
Johannes Bleher committed

Johannes Bleher's avatar
Johannes Bleher committed
## Overview
Johannes Bleher's avatar
Johannes Bleher committed
    <!-- Image Column -->
    <img src="00_data/RJ_santa.jpeg"  width="400">
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        In this challenge, you are provided with a list of cities and their coordinates in `cities.csv`. Your task is to create the shortest possible path that visits all the cities. 

Johannes Bleher's avatar
Johannes Bleher committed

## Submission File
Your submission should be an ordered list of cities, representing the path in which you visit each city.

## Path Constraints
- Paths must start and end at the North Pole (`CityId = 0`).
- You must visit every city exactly once.
- The distance between two cities is calculated as the 2D Euclidean distance.
- Every 10th step (`stepNumber % 10 == 0`) is 10% longer, except when the step is coming from a city with a prime `CityId`.

## Good Luck!
Ensure your solution adheres to the constraints and optimizes the travel path. Happy coding!