Welcome to the AIDAHO Education Server
This website is part of the project AI & Data Science Certificate Hohenheim (AIDAHO) funded by the BMBF. The project was initiated by members of the Computational Science Hub (CSH). The program offers a range of courses for students of all three Hohenheim faculties. The aim of AIDAHO is to increase the expertise of its participants in the fields of Artificial Intelligence (AI), Data Science and Scientific Computing. Students can enroll in the certificate in addition to their main course of study.
Our education server offers a collection of ressources that are related to the AIDAHO program.
Visit our website to get an overview of the certificate and learn more about the curriculum, registration process and everything else related to AIDAHO.
GRAIDAHO is a platform for the automated correction of programming tasks. The platform can be seen as a digital tutor who corrects tasks in real time. GRAIDAHO is used to enhance the teaching in AIDAHO courses.
We use GitLab to manage collaborative programming projects in our courses.
We are developing an application that you can use to create your individual AIDAHO curriculum depending on your course of study so you do not have to worry about the recognition of modules.
The application will be available in the winter semester 2023/2024.
AIDAHO was initiated by members of the Computational Science Hub (CSH). The CSH is a joint venture of researchers at the University of Hohenheim which aims at intensifying the exchange and cooperation across faculties and institutes to concentrate (combine) domain knowledge and methodological expertise in the fields of artificial intelligence (AI), data science as well as scientific computing.
Here you find our own Jupyterhub implementation that you can use for exercise sheets and assignments.
The JupyterHub is now available.